Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Potting on

I had a great evening yesterday potting on the rest of my ferns. The species that I have are:

Asplenium adiantum-nigrum
Asplenium trichomanes subsp trichomanes (?)
Athyrium filix-femina
Cystopteris fragilis
Dryopteris affinis subsp affinis
Dryopteris affinis subsp borreri
Pellaea andromedifolia
Polypodium interjectum
Polypodium australae
Pteris cretica
Woodsia ilvensis
Woodsia obtusa

Plus a couple of randoms that are supposed to be polypodys but look like Dryopteris to me!

I reckon I've got about 180-200 plants in around 180 pots now. I have a 3-tiered metal-framed PVC-covered greenhouse which gets about 40 pots per shelf as well as a similarly constructed cold frame that is now full to bursting - I've put all the affinis affinis in there but there are also some cuttings from my parents' garden that I'm trying to propagate.

They all looked a bit bedraggled last night, but they've perked-up somewhat overnight and I think they'll be OK.

The only problem is that getting a watering can in between the shelves of the greenhouse is really difficult, so I'll have to get the pots out each time they need watering, which given the current weather is going to be often. The plan is to water them all again tonight, and then work on them in rotation - one shelf a day. I don't believe in excessive watering - it just engenders a dependence that can't be practically maintained.

Unfortunately, having started at 7.30 (after getting more pots from Homebase) I wasn't through until 9.45 and so I have to go and make jam sandwiches for today because I haven't any more cheese and didn't make it to the co-op: sometimes you have to suffer for the things you love!

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