Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Books I read in 2018

(Most of) the books I read in 2018
I started 2018 with the aim to read 65 books and made it over the line in the last few days (final total 66). Most are in the picture above, although a few were borrowed and some are currently lent to others.

My favourite from the year was undoubtedly Press and Siever's Earth - an introductory text in Geology. I've also enjoyed beginning to read through Le Carre's spy novels as well as continuing to work my way through the Ngaio Marsh novels and Simenon's Maigret series.

As always, I hope to post more to this blog this year. I've said that before, but I have resolved (not so much as a new year's resolution - I had this in mind before) to get back to bryophytes and pteridophytes, so perhaps I'll post some pictures of slightly obscure green things here over the coming weeks.