Thursday, June 01, 2006

Out of the living room into the greenhouse ...

I'm talking about my ferns, of course!

I got home yesterday and saw that they were beginning to get just a little scorched by the evening sun coming through the (north-facing) patio window. This, coupled with their now well-developed sizes (mostly - my polypodys aren't doing so well) made me think it was time to start hardening them off.

Today is a fairly average temperature day, though there's a cold breeze. I have a small metal-framed PVC-covered 3-tier greenhouse in my back garden. I have it against the east side of a wall, which means it's pretty sheltered and out of direct sunlight except in late mid-summer, when it gets a little in the evening. My plan is to leave it open (there's a roll-up front cover) during the day but close it at night for at least the first week (or if frost is likely - which can happen right into mid-June in Oxford).

I will need to pot most of them on soon because at the moment there are 2 or 3 plantlets per 3" pot, whereas they need to be one-per-pot really at this stage. I hope to put some photos on here soon!

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