Monday, May 22, 2006

Monday in the lab

Quite the most exciting thing today was the HPLC trace (see previous post), but I've also managed to make another target (a bicyclo epoxide) for a test reaction. I've even characterised the epoxide and launched the test reaction to run overnight. Slick or what? It makes a real difference getting in before 0830 - I seem to get so much more done in the mornings.

The HPLC's not looking quite so promising. I'm making the enantioenriched to test in comparison, but I'm still looking for that elusive better separation. Oh well.

We had a group meeting this afternoon during which I struggled to stay awake. Sitting in a warm darkened room straight after lunch, listening to a talk your not particularly interested in is not a recipe for staying awake!

I've felt quite tired all day but that might be due to having woken up at 0510 coupled with the fact that I have increased the distance of my morning run. I'm not sure how far it is exactly, but I think it's now a little over 2 miles (so about 3.5K) up and down a very big hill! For someone who generally avoids physical exertion I think I'm doing OK. It does seem to improve my mood, so perhaps all the people who talk about endorphins and serotonin levels being boosted by exercise are actually right.

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