Monday, June 28, 2021

Racomitrium lanuginosum

I have been working my way through some old collections of mosses and came to a packet containing a mixture of species from a dry stone wall on Dartmoor. 

I am thrilled with Racomitrium lanuginosum: such a beautiful moss! When dry, there are distinct white hairpoints to the leaves, though these become more or less transparent as the leaves hydrate, but the hair point is coarsely toothed, which is a diagnostic feature for this moss. 

I managed to produce this composite image of one of its large leaves at x40

And then some details at higher magnifications

 And then some details at higher magnifications. 

Here is the toothed margin of the leaf tip at x100

I still have some way to go in getting to grips with the build-in cameras on my microscopes - but I am pleased at the least to capture something of what I see. In the same session I also managed to get this x400 image of Dicranum scoparium. I particularly like the way this image captures the granular nature of the cell contents, the vacuoles and the plasmodemata.

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