Friday, May 26, 2006

Highly Problematic Liquid Chromatography

is definitely the definition of HPLC.

I got in at 0610 this morning and ran the analysis properly set up and with the right eluent and ... 4 hours later: nothing - or rather something very wrong - peaks but with strange profiles!

Then I ran it again (1120-1520): no peaks at all - my sample had broadened into the baseline.

So I've given up trying for the 0.1 conditions and am running at 0.2 mL min-1.

1530 start, should be over by 1830! It had better be, since I need to be home at 1915 to meet the landlord and sign next year's lease, which is a scary commitment but nowhere near as stressful as HPLC.

I'm so pessimistic about this that I've bought a new bottle of heptane. I've now eluted nearly 2.5 L through the HPLC trying to get the ee from this reaction. That is so depressing.

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