Thursday, December 22, 2016

Looking back and looking forward

At the start of 2016 I made a resolution to attempt to read 52 books in the year. Now, as the year comes to a close, I realise that I have made it, actually managing 53. Whilst simply counting the number of books read is quite a crude measure, it is at least diagnostic of the amount of reading that is actually happening, and it is all too easy to allow other things to creep in and push it to one side.

Looking back over the list of books from 2016 here are some highlights:

Most interesting: Willis and McElwain The Evolution of Plants (OUP, 2002)
Who would waste time creating dinosaurs (lit. terrible lizzards) when the fossil record indicates that there have been so many beautiful plants and trees. I appreciate that "Carboniferous Botanic Garden" doesn't have quite the same catchy ring to it as "Jurassic Park" but I would much rather have an Archaeopteris in my garden than an Archaeopteryx in a cage.

Saddest to finish: Buchan The Blanket of the Dark (Polygon, 2008)
I am a big fan of John Buchan, but I think it was the setting of this novel (West Oxford, Wychwood Forest and the Cotswolds) which I found particularly enjoyable. This is a novel set in the time of Henry VIII and shows there is much more to Buchan than Richard Hannay.

Most thrilling: Sapper The Black Gang  (Wordsworth, 2007 - part of a combined volume of four stories)
There are four Bulldog Drummond novels involving master criminal Carl Peterson, but the Black Gang is probably my favourite. Drummond has become a much more thoughtful and intelligent hero. It is utter trash but it is entertaining and thrilling in the way that Hollywood blockbusters can be. I certainly had several very tired mornings having been unable to put it down until well past my proper bedtime!

Most heavy going: Holmes and Raven Rivers (British Wildlife Publishing, 2014)
This was a heavy book, both literally and metaphorically, but it contained a wealth of interesting material on pretty much every aspect of rivers. I will confess that I omitted the chapter on invertebrates, not being much of an entomologist, but it has been interesting to look at rivers in my local area with a fresh eye.

For 2017 my target is going to be 65. I also hope to publish more blog posts, but I know I've said that before!

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Back again ...

Somehow, the longer the break between posts, the harder it is to write one. I haven't had much time to blog over the last couple of years - being a dad now takes up quite a lot of my time - but I hope to begin writing more posts over the summer and continue after that.