A scientist is someone who sees the world around them and wonders how it is like it is.
Even though I've been a scientist for most of my life, it still surprises me that so many interesting problems can arise from something as simple as a glass of carbonated water. Here are three that have occurred to me during the last week.
- An economics problem: why is Sainsbury's own-brand carbonated water cheaper than their own-brand still water (by around 10%)? Surely, the carbonation process requires more input of energy and materials, so it should be more expensive.
- A physics problem: when the bubbles rise they clearly accelerate, but is the acceleration constant, or is there a significant change of force with depth, resulting in non-negligible variable acceleration?
- A mathematics problem: what is the relationship between the volume of water in the glass and the angle by which the glass can be tipped before the water spills? This would, of course, be the same regardless of the nature of the liquid in the glass, providing surface tension is ignored. I am assuming that the glass is a frustum of a right circular cone.
The economics question doesn't really interest me, although the answer might.
The physics problem could probably be answered with a bit of thought and some back-of-an envelope calculations and might make a useful diversion when stuck invigilating internal examinations next week.
It is the mathematics problem that has really gripped me. Despite appearing fairly straightforward initially, it turns out to be really quite complex, requiring a determination of volume of a conic section. There are 2 cases to consider:
a) a fairly full glass, where the liquid forms an eliptical section of the frustum;

b) a fairly empty glass, where the liquid forms a section of the frustrum in the form of a elipse segment (the base of the glass constituting the chord).

Finding the air/liquid contact area would be straight forward, but extending to the volume seems to be quite tricky. A volumes of revolution approach will not work as the volume section has no cylindrical symmetry. The internet doesn't seem to be very helpful, but then I might not be constructing a suitable search as the sections I'm interested in might have a "proper" name. My next stop will be my Euclid, although I don't hold out much hope.
Any suggestions would be most gratefully received.
Of course, being a scientist I could just be a bit empirical about this: I could go and get some data and then see if I can find a relationship. Maybe that should be my next stop ...